Down on the Farm

Farm pasture


We have added some new farm animals and had some new adventures here at Cairn Hill Farms. In addition to our flock of chickens and Heritage Turkeys, we purchased two goats and two lambs. They are settled in, but not without some challenge. The large goat (named Darryl by the high school building and trades) gave us a great deal of grief. He is a one year old 1/2 Alpine 1/2 Boer and thinks he’s human. Refusing to remain in the barn or pasture, Darryl wanted to be in the house with us, as he would frequently try to accomplish by jumping the fence, climbing our porch, and looking at us through the window. Luckily for Darryl’s sake, he agreed to stay in the pasture after the installation of an electric fence.


Farm Darryl


Farm lambs


We also had five Heritage turkey poults. We lost the first one because he was alone and refused to eat, another fell out of the nest, and a third was the victim of the local nocturnal population. The two that remain are an 8 week old who thinks she’s a parrot and one that hatched yesterday.


Farm parrot


The poult that arrived yesterday reminds me of the power of life. Its mother and the other 11 eggs were destroyed last week. I found the single egg in a pile of feathers and my daughter put it in her room, under a heat lamp. While I assumed the endeavor to be a lost cause, these hardy birds keep proving that “life goes on.”

My daughter and I are also running a stand at our local Farmers’ Markets. We have ten products under development over the past nine months. Two are ready for sale, all natural room sprays! I started making these for our kitchen and bathrooms because I found the chemical sprays smelly and bad to breathe. We hope to add items throughout the summer as they are ready for use. Stop by and see us!


Farm Product


    1. I hope you did, too! In fact, I have been thinking about your latest post, questioning how to keep posting site info. You have many historical pictures; I thought you could post a Picture of the Month, sharing the background and perhaps a link from a earlier blog post that relates. I hope you keep sharing your father’s stories-someone needs to keep sharing the history of these wonderful men!

      1. I think WWII sites will always have something new to post, as the Archives keep opening up and De-classified material is cleared – believe it or not – they are still working on that material. I don’t think I have enough info for a picture of the month, but thank you for the idea – I will mill it about in this soft brain of mind.

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